
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Please Motivate Ourself

Muslim Quotes: If Misfortune Befalls You

If misfortune befalls you, it is the consequence of your own actions. Yet God forgives much. On this earth you can not escape God; and there is no one apart from God who can protect or help you.

Qur'an, Ash-Shura, Surah 42:30-31

Muslim Quotes: People Who Refused to Believe

Have you not heard of people in the past who refused to believe? They have already suffered through their unbelief; and a terrible punishment awaits them. When their apostles brought them clear arguments, they said: Will mortals be our guides?Õ They denied the truth, and turned their backs. But God has no need of them; he has all he needs, and he alone should be praised.

Qur'an, At-Taghabun, Surah 64:5-6

Muslim Quotes: Your Hearts are Absorbed by Material Gain

Right up until the moment of death your hearts are absorbed by material gain. But you will soon understand; yes, before long you will understand. Indeed, if you knew the truth with certainty, you would perceive the fire of hell; you would see it with your own eyes. On the day of judgment you will be questioned about all your pleasures.

Qur'an, At-Takathur, Surah 102:1-8

Muslim Quotes: Fools Exult in Life

Fools exult in life while the pious prepare for the journey ahead. A major portion of their wealth is spent in God's way, and they themselves suffice with the bare minimum, striving toward the hereafter. They even sacrifice fine victuals confident in the faith that they shall be blessed with better in the hereafter. Even God cherishes them because of their conviction and devotion.

Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillan

" Instead of saying, 'This is what you said', just say, 'This is what I understood'. It avoids many misunderstandings and fights in relationships."

" Always remember to tell the ones you love that you love them because you never know when it could be your last chance to do so."
I came up with this because of an experience that really shook me: The last time I talked to my mom on the phone we didn't say "I love You" to each other. Two days later she passed away. I have never forgotten that.

" Do something great for yourself and the world: make someone happy today. Happy people want others to be happy. Unhappy people want to see others unhappy as well."

" Positive thoughts will program you to victory, wisdom, peace and happiness. Set no limits in your mind for in life, you become what you believe."

" We arrive not totally wired nor totally assembled like an electric jigsaw puzzle. And thru life we are just trying to figure out how all our pieces go together."

" Never pay attention to those who talk behind your back. It simply means that you are two steps ahead."

" Everyone has their own view. It doesn't matter. But how you present it, it matters."

" My life has not chosen me. I have chosen the steps that will make my life what it is now and will be tomorrow."
This is a reminder that you can always create a better way for yourself and it starts now.


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